Inspiraciones diarias desde el foso de los leones
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Cuando atravieses las tormentas de la vida, recuerda Hebreos 12:2: «Fijemos la mirada en Jesús». El escritor de Hebreos sigue apoyando la idea de que cuando hacemos esto, encontramos la fortaleza para soportar la oposición y enfrentar las tácticas de nuestro único enemigo, Satanás. La más significativa «historia de tormenta» en la Biblia (salvo la de Jonás) se encuentra en el capítulo 4 de Marcos cuando Jesús les dijo a sus discípulos que cruzaran al otro lado del mar de Galilea. Aunque casi todos eran pescadores experimentados, se atemorizaron ante una tormenta tan grande. Después que Jesús calmó la tormenta, reprendió a los discípulos por su «poca fe». Ellos se enfocaron en la tormenta y no en Jesús. ¡Nuestra fe permanece fuerte siempre y cuando fijemos la mirada en Jesús! Estas reflexiones diarias se diseñaron para ayudarnos a mantenernos enfocados y a estar Firmes en la Tormenta. Acompana al autor en un compilado de inspiraciones diaras, en forma de devocional, para reforzar la fe y esperanza en Jesus.
As you go through the storms of life, remember Hebrews 12:2: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus." The writer of Hebrews continues to support the idea that when we do this, we find the strength to withstand opposition and face the tactics of our only enemy, Satan. The most significant "storm story" in the Bible (except for Jonah) is found in Mark chapter 4 when Jesus told his disciples to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Although almost all of them were experienced fishermen, they were frightened by such a big storm. After Jesus calmed the storm, he reproved the disciples for their "little faith." They focused on the storm and not on Jesus. Our faith remains strong as long as we fix our eyes on Jesus! These daily reflections are designed to help us to stay focused and to be Strong in the Storm. Join the author for a compilation of daily inspirations, in devotional format, to reinforce faith and hope in Jesus.
As you go through the storms of life, remember Hebrews 12:2: "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus." The writer of Hebrews continues to support the idea that when we do this, we find the strength to withstand opposition and face the tactics of our only enemy, Satan. The most significant "storm story" in the Bible (except for Jonah) is found in Mark chapter 4 when Jesus told his disciples to cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. Although almost all of them were experienced fishermen, they were frightened by such a big storm. After Jesus calmed the storm, he reproved the disciples for their "little faith." They focused on the storm and not on Jesus. Our faith remains strong as long as we fix our eyes on Jesus! These daily reflections are designed to help us to stay focused and to be Strong in the Storm. Join the author for a compilation of daily inspirations, in devotional format, to reinforce faith and hope in Jesus.
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ISBN | 9780789922328 |
Páginas | 192 |
Medidas | 5.5 x 8.25 pulgadas / 13,97 x 20,96 cm |
Cubierta | Rústica |